Fotografiramo, da bi lažje razumeli, kaj nam pomeni naše življenje. (Ralph Hattersley)


Fotografiranje mestne arhitekture ni tako zelo zahtevno. Kompozicijo je ustvaril že arhitekt, fotograf pa mora posneti vse skupaj tako, da bodo jasne geometrijske oblike. Glavni poudarek je na arhitekturnem delu, ki pa mora zaradi linij in skladnosti elementov vseeno delovati kot celota. Stavbe kot vse linije so lahko zaradi optičnih lastnosti tudi popačene. Pri sami fotografiji arhitekture manipuliramo s perspektivo in s tem arhitekturo naredimo večjo ali manjšo.

Architecture photography is not so very hard. The composition has already been created by an architect, and the photographer must shoot everything together so that the geometric shapes are clear. The main emphasis is on the architectural work, which, due to the lines and harmony of the elements, must nevertheless function as a whole. Buildings like all lines can also be distorted due to their optical properties. In the photography of architecture itself, we manipulate perspective and thus make architecture larger or smaller.