Ko gre za fotografijo, je le nekaj destinacij na svetu lahko enakih bogati mešanici priložnosti, ki jih lahko uživate v Indiji ali Nepalu. Od barvitih uličnih prizorov do številnih veličastnih starih palač, trdnjav in najvišjih vrhov sveta. Naroda globokih kontrastov, kjer moderno sovpada s tradicijo preteklosti. Državi sta le eni izmed tistih destinacij, ki sta kot nalašč za tiste, ki uživajo v počasnih potovanjih, si seveda vzamejo čas in fotografirajo - vse, kar ponujata ti neverjetni država.
When it comes to photography, few destinations in the world can match the rich mix of opportunities you can enjoy in India or Nepal. From colorful street scenes to many magnificent old palaces, fortresses and the world's highest peaks. A nation of deep contrasts, where the modern coincides with the tradition of the past. The two countries are just one of those destinations that are perfect for those who enjoy slow travel, taking their time and taking pictures of everything these amazing countries have to offer.