Maroko je zaradi svojih znamenitosti idealna destinacija za različne popotniške okuse. Ponuja vse od sredozemske in atlantske obale, Sahare, številnih oaz in višavje v gorovju Atlas. Potovanje v umirjene in čudovite obalne vasice, živobarvna mesta in utrdbe navduši v vseh pogledih. Je pravo stičišče Afrike in Arabskega sveta in vedno znova očara, kot je očaral že mnoge znane pisatelje, pesnike in umetnike.
Due to its attractions, Morocco is an ideal destination for various travel tastes. It offers everything from the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, Sahara desert, many oases and the highlands of the Atlas Mountains. A trip to the peaceful and beautiful coastal villages, colorful towns and forts impresses in every way. It is a real crossroads of Africa and the Arab world and fascinates again and again, as it has fascinated many famous writers, poets and artists.